So the code to my apartment complex's front door was changed today... I think I'm to blame. I have a lot of friends that live in apartments and I never know the etiquette with the "buzzing me in" thing... let me explain...
I used to live in an apt. with my mom and I'd forget the front entrance key, but kept a front apt. door key under the mat, all I ever needed was someone to let me into the complex THAT I LIVED IN. But people would stare me right in the face as they closed the glass door behind them. I would even try to explain, "I lost the key for this door, could you let me in?" The response... "No, I don't feel comfortable with that!" SLAM. Then you'd see that person 50 times in the elevator and I'd want to say SEE BITCH, I LIVED HERE AND YOU LOCKED ME OUT! I COULD OF DIED, IT'S SAN FRAN-FUCKIN-CISCO, THE INMATES ARE RUNNING THIS GODDAMNED ASYLUM! But instead you just have that amazingly awkward quiet time in the elevator previously discussed.
But sometimes, when the moon is full and the small-ass mailboxes are full, just sometimes, God shines down on you when you're going to your girlfriends apt. and the guy in fornt of you unlocking the entrance way door, will let you in... see it's this ripple that has thrown me off in my adulthood.
I'm a nice guy, and I assume other people are too, but when people who don't know me let me into their apartment doorway, I feel a fragmented awkwardness after this occurrence and sex. Let me explain. After sex I sometimes feel compelled to say THANK YOU, like it was a favor, but after being let into an apartment complex I feel disdain for the person who let me in. I start thinking, OH MY GOD, THIS GUY DOESN'T EVEN KNOW ME, I COULD BE A RAPIST OR MURDERER, AND WHEN YOU SEE THE AMBULANCE AND SEE THE NEWS REPORT LATER THAT NIGHT YOU'RE GOING TO FEEL TERRIBLE ABOUT YOUR... COURTESY.
Isn't that kinda fucked up? I wanted to be nice this weekend and saw this guy standing by my entrance way with his bike, he was older, with a stained shirt, and was struggling a little. I had to make a choice, go in and close the door behind me, or be nice and help the guy out (since i had been in his shoes). I opened the door and said, "you're not a rapist or nothing, right?" He smiled, I saw he had no front teeth, I caught a wiff of his stench, and he started to laugh the most MANIACAL LAUGH, hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe...
It was too late, he already had his hand on the door... I checked the news that night and looked out the windows for flashing lights... nothing... checked Westside Rentals and we have a new vacancy... I'm sorry.