Just saw "Inglourious Basterds" and LOVED IT. I hate misspelled movies titles, THIS MEANS YOU "Pursuit of Happyness", but this film has few negatives!
And here they are...
1) It was long in parts, Tarantino can get caught up in how well he can write dialogue. There are lot of great scenes with dudes sitting at a table going back and forth, but many of them really could of been shaved down. The audience could of been saved an extra 15 - 20 minutes easy.
2) Oh yeah, and someone please PUNCH Eli Roth in the NUTS. Yes, I'm one of the few people who loved "Cabin Fever" and his killer fruit animation thingie five years ago, but now that he's Tarantino's boy he's bigger than his britches. His one major scene in the woods is ruined cause he can't get an accent down.
1) Christoph Waltz is AMAZING. One of the most layered performances by an actor in a Nazi uniform since the the guy who shot Jacob The Liar in the face (and we all cheered, I mean Jew or not, he was a fucking liar, not cool!) The script is written so over the top, yet Waltz is able to bring hilarity in tow with anger, fear, and even likability!
2) Brad Pitt meshes Billy Bob Thorton in Sling Blade with John Wayne... and it works beautifully! Brad Pitt is one of America's best actors and is not celebrated for his talents as much as his looks, which is a varsity travesty... yeah I made that shit up, makes sense to me...
3) Robert Richardson shoots another beautiful film, great color contrasts and always meticulously framed.
4)The ending is perfect and leaves the audience with a great/disgusting taste in their mouths (Tarantino at his best).
5) The characterizing of Hitler as a near heart attack old bumbling (at times) lunatic is a brilliant stroke!
6) Shosanna's story bookends beautifully. Plus, I like the choice of her love interest being another type of "undesirable" in this world.
7) The German propaganda film is perfectly made with it's terrible stunts and over the top acting.
8) Mike Myer's cameo is oddly interesting, cause we can't help but laugh because of his persona. It seems as if he can't help but make this stupid open mouth smirk thingie. The whole scene really makes little more sense than "this is cool for cool's sake" (especially in retrospect), but in this zany world it doesn't bother me much. It's actually kind of a good break from the more drawn out scenes.
9) Most of all, I love how everyone is free game in a Tarantino film, Krauts, Negros, Hairy Jews, you name it! Denzel gave Tarantino shit a decade ago for using the word "nigger" too much, and yes sometimes it's jarring, but overall everyone is demeaned... so I feel it's all fair play. The only thing that is kind of bothersome is when you see the audience reaction to certain racial jokes, yes white guy in front of me YOU LAUGH AWKWARDLY TOO LOUD AT BLACK JOKES!
10) All in all it's a FUCKING AMAZING TIME OUT, but GO IN WITH NO EXPECTATIONS... don't you hate when people say that shit...
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